Hi everyone who is looking at our blog ,
I am sure that you are interested in what we had learn that is why you came and visit our blog.
In fact we had learn ALOT in this fieldtrip to the Bukit Timah Nature Reserve..... I hope that when you finish reading our blog , you will understand what we had learn . That is the objective of this blog .
Before you carry on reading Our Blog .. We would like to ask you a question ..
What do you know of about the rain forest... ?
Firstly ... Our tour guide JIE JIE Ann bought us to the main entrance and explain to us the story and the trees which located at the main entrance of the nature reserve ....

Here let us move into the nature and let us share with you the journey of the 20/01/2011....
Bukit Timah Nature Reserve is a primary forest-not disturb. Most of the the tress in this rain forest are season tress which meant that they only produce fruits only a certain period of time.With that all the animals living in the forest will only have food at a certain period of time and the rest of the year they will stave to death as all the fruits have not bear.Only Fig tree is only the tree that have season all year round.
This is a picture of a fig tree with fruits.
This is a picture of a bird nest fern.
The brown color patches on the leaves are algae because
the water caused by the rain did not drip down hence algae are formed on the leaves.This is a cinnamon tree only the bark are used.
As you can see there are some spots on the second pictures it mean that the temperature is good enough for the algae to survive.

The above is called a betel nuts in Chinese we called it "Bing Lang (槟榔) " one of my classmate tried to open this. I needs alot of effort to be done.

Fallen Log that is going to decomposed by the termites.
Termites contributes alot to the rainforest by breaking down the fallen log and the decomposed log gives nutrients to other plant.

This is a clammer plant another name for it is butterfly plant.

This is a Grandfather Clammer.
This is called Prop Roots.

This tree in counted as the Emergent Layer it is around 200 years old.
Can you imagine how strong is this tree? :)

The air roots of the above tree (:
A tree which is decomposes help to gives nutrients to the other plants.

The terentang tree which have leaves about 30cm long.

This can prevent from soil erosion!

This picture shows a leaf litter plant , it adapt to the low nutrient level .

This is a rattan trees it can be use t make furnitures.

We manage to saw one monitor lizard when we were having our walk inside the nature reserve.
The monitor were so scared so it hide into the hole which is inside the tree.

This is a baby size of the terentang tree.

This is called a ants plant. This plant is a very special plant to me as the plant provides shleter for the ants as it live inside the plant and the ants provide protection for the plant. When any insects wants to eat the leaves of the plant , the ants will come out and nibble on the insects and it will fly away.

Termite nest on the tree.

This is a Liana.
That's all folks, we manage to capture quite alot of pictures for you guys hope can you can learn more about the nature reserve. I hoped that the school or even the teacher can organised more outdoor learning for the school. ^^
Lets end this with my class photo ! I love 5B ! :>